227 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 17th July 1962] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meetings of 22nd May and 26th June were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Season Tickets Sales to date 25,078. 0. 0 Plymouth Argyle F. C. re Lill on a/c 3000. 0. 0 Scuntharpe Utd. F. C. re Gannon 5,500. 0. 0 Sale 17, Thirlmere dr. 2,513.11.10 A Cheque was signed for :- Dividend a/c 97. 7. 6 Bank Balance £1790.11.5 Dr. MAINTENANCE It was reported that all the work in progress was proceeding satisfactorily, and it was agreed to remove the two flagpoles which were dangerous and to consider one replacement. It was also agreed to replace the existing lighting in the Boardroom with strip lighting. PROPERTY It was reported that the purchase of 219 37, Liverbank Rd. would be completed shortly, and it was agreed to charge a rent of £15.0.0 per month plus rates. SHAREHOLDERS Mr. Hughes reported his interview with TICKETS the Secretary of the Football Association regarding 216 Shareholders tickets and a letter from the Football Association was read confirming their decision that Rule 44 (c) must be complied with as soon as possible. Accordingly on a proposition by Mr. Hughes and seconded by Mr. Micklesfield the following Resolutions were passed with effect from tomorrow Wed. 18th July 1962.