225 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 26th June 1962] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors except Mr. Balmforth who was indisposed. Manager & Secretary in attendance. CHAIRMAN Mr. R. E. Searle proposed that Mr. John 166 Moores be re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. This was seconded by Mr. Hughes & carried unanimously. Mr. Moores thanked his colleagues for their continued support. The following Sub-Committees were elected for the ensuing year:- FINANCE 166 Messrs E. Holland Hughes, N. W. Coffey & F. Micklesfield. GROUND 166 Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor. MAINTENANCE 188 Messrs J. Taylor, R. E. Searle & N. W. Coffey. QUORUM It was agreed that the quorum should 166 be three. GORRIE D. 202 It was agreed that free transfers be MORTON G. 111 granted to Gorrie & Morton on June 30th if not transferred by then. TRANSFER The following were approved:- OF SHARES SHARES NOD 663-665 FROM MRS. D. M. WRIGHT TO E. R. MCKAY " 490 & 2304 FROM H. H. ROEBUCK TO R. J. LUNT " 199 & 2421 FROM MRS. M. L. E. LIVESLEY TO K. M. TAMLIN 509, 510, 804, 805 " 28 TO 30, 797 & 1496 FROM EXORS O. F. SMITH TO M. J. D. WATKINGS " 807 & 2326 FROM - do - TO - do - " 1004-1006 FROM - do - TO - do - 998, 264, 265 " 1446 TO 1448 FROM - do - TO - do - 596 TO 598 " & 1222 FROM J. H. PETTY TO MR. JOHN MOORES " 239, 640 & 949 FROM EXORS W. I. THROSSELL TO - do - " 11-13 FROM ADMX A. BACKHOUSE TO - dO - 823 & 824 " & 2296 FROM EXORS J. HOWARTH TO - dO - " 687 & 2255 FROM MISS M. LOMAX TO - dO - " 1762-1767 FROM A. GROCOTT TO - dO -