[MINUTES OF THE 82nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OLD HALL STREET, LIVERPOOL, ON MONDAY, JUNE 26th, 1961.] Present: Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and Messrs. the Company. This was seconded by Mr. D. THE R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. McPhail and duly carried. Everton Football Club Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, J. Taylor, R. A. COMPANY LIMITED Joynson and E. Holland Hughes, Directors, and 76 Shareholders, together with the Secretary and Remuneration of Auditors Manager and Mr. G. H. Bowler, Auditor. Mr. C. H. Askham proposed that the remunera- tion of the Auditors for the ensuing year be the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Notice same as last year. This was seconded by Mr. Birch Annual General Meeting of the Company The notice convening the Meeting was read by and carried. will be held at the Chamber of Commerce, the Secretary. 1 Old Hall Street, Liverpool 3, on Monday, Election of Directors the 25th day of June, 1962, at 7.0 p.m. to Press In the absence of any other nominations it was receive and consider the Report of the The members of the Press were admitted with agreed unanimously that a single resolution be put Directors, and the Accounts for the period the approval of the meeting. to the meeting for the re-election of the three ended 5th May, 1962, to authorise the retiring Directors. Mr. E. Holland Hughes then payment of Dividend, to elect Directors, to Minutes proposed that the three retiring Directors, Messrs. fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the The minutes of the 81St Annual General Meeting John Moores, J. C. Sharp and R. A. Joynson, be ensuing year, and to transact any other having been circulated were taken as read, and re-elected for a period of three years. This was business which may be transacted at the were approved and signed as a correct record. seconded by Mr. H. W. Wilding and duly carried. Ordinary General Meeting of the Company. Mr. John Moores, on behalf of himself and his Chairman’s Report colleagues, thanked the Shareholders for their By Order of the Board, The Chairman gave a report of the past Season’s support. working and expressed his pleasure with the W. DICKINSON, improved displays last season, and the improve- ment in the financial position. He referred to the Ground and Maintenance Reports Secretary. change in Team Manager and considered the Club Messrs. J. C. Sharp and R. A. Joynson gave had been fortunate in securing the services of reports on the pitch and ground maintenance, Mr. Catterick and was looking to the future with detailing work already completed and in progress Admission on presentation of Balance Sheet. confidence. Mr. J. H. Hinton praised the Board for to maintain the pitch and buildings in first-class the excellent accounts and this was supported by condition. Mr. D. McPhail. Questions by Messrs. J. H. GOODISON PARK, Hinton and G. W. D. Beattie were answered and Manager’s Report LIVERPOOL. it was suggested that the Programme Income and Mr. Catterick said he was honoured to be Expenditure be shown separately, but it was appointed Manager of Everton in his report of explained that this was not desirable. the playing side. There was a good team spirit and 31st May, 1962. he thought the team were capable of doing well in Accounts and Balance Sheet and Reports the future. It was agreed that the Accounts and Balance Mr. P. L. Parry, on behalf of the Shareholders, Notice is also given that a Member of the Sheet, together with the Directors’ Report and the expressed a warm welcome to Mr. Catterick and Company entitled to attend and vote at the above Report of the Auditors thereon, having been wished him every success. Annual General Meeting, is entitled to appoint a circulated be taken as read. Mr. J. H. Hinton then proxy to attend and vote instead of him, and that proposed that the Balance Sheet and Reports be the proxy need not be a member of the Company. adopted. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Sawyer Vote of Thanks and duly carried. After questions by Messrs. F. K. Smith and J. H. Hinton had been answered the meeting Proxies must be lodged at the Registered Office of Dividend closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and the Company, not less than 48 hours before the time Mr. E. Holland Hughes proposed that a Dividend Directors, proposed by Mr. W. H. Sawyer and of the Meeting. of 5% free of tax be paid on the paid up Capital of seconded by Mr. P. L. Parry.