221 dividend of 5% free of tax be paid, on the paid up Capital of the Company. This was seconded by Mr. D. Mc Phaill and duly carried. REMUNERATION Mr. R. E. Searle proposed that the OF AUDITORS remuneration of the Auditors for the ensuing year be the same as last year. This was seconded by Mr. J. C. Sharp and duly carried. ELECTION OF In the absence of any other nominations DIRECTORS it was agreed unanimously that a single resolution be put to the Meeting for the re-election of the three retiring Directors. The Chairman then proposed that the three retiring Directors Messrs R. E. Searle, F. Micklesfield & J. Taylor be re-elected for a period of three years. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Sawyer and duly carried. Mr. Searle on behalf of himself and his colleagues thanked the Shareholders for their support. GROUND AND Messrs J. C. Sharp & J. Taylor gave reports MAINTENANCE on the pitch and ground maintenance, detailing REPORTS many improvements completed and in progress, and several questions were answered. MANAGER'S Mr. Catterick in his report stressed the REPORT abnormal run of injuries, which he felt had last us 2nd place in the League and possibly the Championship, and several question were answered. SECRETARY The meeting congratulated the Secretary on the award to him of the Football League long service medal. SHAREHOLDERS A question by Mr. G. White regarding TICKETS Shareholders Tickets was answered by Mr. Hughes and it was agreed that no further discussion on this point should take place until the position had been clarified.