218 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday May 22nd 1962.] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors except Mr. Balmforth who was indisposed. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting May 14th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Season Ticket Sales to date 5107.1.0 Cheques were signed for :- Wages 341.19.5 Football League re Pensions 81. 4.0 St. John Ambulance Brigade 25. 0.0 Bank Balance £1328.18.7 Dr. ACCOUNTS & The draft Profit & Loss a/c and Balance Sheet were BALANCE SHEET considered, and it was agreed that they be 158 approved and adopted. DIVIDEND It was agreed to recommend that a 157 dividend of 5% free of tax be paid. PLAYERS Mr. Stephenson attended to discuss the ENTRANCE proposed alterations to the Players Entrance & dressing rooms and these were approved to cost approximately £1,000.0.0. SHANNON L. It was reported that Shannon had agreed 216 to co-operate and would fulfil trainers duties when required. MAINTENANCE It was reported that all the repair work (STAND REPAIRS) was progressing satisfactorily and the work on the 210 Pitch at Bellefield. PLAYERS Mr. Catterick reported that he had made 209 several enquiries for 1st class wingers, but received very little encouragements. BARKER JOE It was reported that an offer of £55,000.0.0 had been made for the transfer of Joe Baker,