217 Mr. Hughes reported on the Meeting of Shareholders held on Monday May 7th to consider these proposals. Item 1 & 2 had been agreed to and on item 3 it had been agreed not to took a vote, but if a vote had been taken it would have been against this proposal. In view of the fact that the proposals had not been agreed to in full, it was agreed not to make any changes in Shareholders Tickets or seating for next season, and in the meantime to approach the Football Association for a ruling on the position. W. R. DEAN It was reported that W. R. Dean 210 had now vacated the Dublin Packet Hotel. P. DUNNE It was agreed that the Club 190 could not accept any liability in respect of Medical treatment of P. Dunne in Dublin last Summer. ASSN. OF F. L. It was regretted that an invitation REFEREES & L. to the Conference Luncheon on June 23rd could 64 not be accepted. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE It was agreed to donate £25.0.0 BRIGADE 174 to the St. John Ambulance Brigade. TRANSFER OF The following were approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. FROM LEO EDWARD ENRIGHT TO VINCENT JOSEPH ENRIGHT, against an indemnity. SHARES NO 707 FROM EXORS L. DONNISON TO H. A. WRIGHT. " " 2446 FROM EXORS L. DONNISON TO H. A. WRIGHT. " " 237, 238 & 1393 FROM EXORS J. W. CROOK TO H. A. WRIGHT " " 2141-2143 FROM E. HODGSON TO MR. JOHN MOORES. " " 888-890 FROM EXIX W. L. PRITCHARD TO MR. J MOORES. NEXT MEETING Tuesday May 22nd at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. John Moores CHAIRMAN.