213 1962, three in the following year, and two in the next following year. The Directors to retire as aforesaid in the successive years shall, unless the Directors agree among themselves, be those who have been longest in office since their last election, and in case those who have been longest in office are more than the number to retire, then those to retire shall be determined by lot. If in any year the number of those who have been longest in office is less than the number due to retire, then (unless the Directors agree among themselves) those who have been longest in office shall retire, and the additional Director to retire shall be determined by lot from among those who have been next longest in office. If the Board still consists of eight members after the said third year, then the said cycle of three years shall continue in force from time to time so long as the Board remains composed of eight members, and accordingly, in each successive cycle of three years, three Directors shall retire in the first year of the cycle, three in the second year, and two in the third year. (6) If and when the Board shall be reduced to seven in number under sub-clause (4) hereof, a new series of cycles of three years shall commence to operate, and accordingly at the first Annual General Meeting after the Board has been so reduced, three Directors shall retire by rotation, two shall retire in the next year, and two in the next following year, and so on from time to time. In case those who have been longest in office are more than the number to retire, then those to retire shall be determined by lot. If in any year the number of those who have been longest in office is less than the number due to retire, then (unless the Directors agree among themselves) those who have been longest in office shall retire and the additional Director to retire shall be determined by lot from among those who have been next longest in office. (7) Clauses 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of Table A shall apply only subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained." Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN.