210 FIXTURES It was reported that the game v Stoke City 207 Res. had been fixed for Monday Apl. 16th, away, and the Liverpool Senior Cup Semi-Final v Liverpool had been arranged for Tuesday May 8th at Goodison Pk. PROPERTY Confirmation was given to the sale of 207 17, Thirlmere Drive for £2625.0.0. CUP FINAL The allocation of Cup final tickets for the TICKETS 174 Directors was agreed. PLAYERS It was agreed to insure the players against INSURANCE accident whilst travelling to and from matches and training at Bellefield for a premium of £550.0.0 approximately. W. R. DEAN It was agreed that Mr. Searle, with the 190 Secretary and Manager should see W. R. Dean, who was to leave his job at the end of April. QUEENS PARK It was agreed to support the application RANGERS of Queens Park Rangers to play their home games at the White City Stadium. CUSHION HIRE It was agreed to renew the agreement for SERVICES Hire of Cushions for a further period of 3 years. It was agreed that repairs to the STAND REPAIRS Goodison Road Stand Landing & Toilets should commence 203 on Monday May 14th. A. G. M. It was agreed to hold the Annual General 154 Meeting of the Company on Monday June 25th. TRANSFER OF The following were approved:- SHARES SHARES NO. 1229-1231 FROM ADMR. RAYMOND HOLMES TO ANTHONY ROBERT SARTAIN. SHARE NO. 605 FROM EXIX W. F. MAYBURY TO JAMES W. MAYBURY. DIRECTORS AWAY To Bury:- Mr. Coffey, To STOKE:- Mr. Micklesfield. To Cup Final:- Messrs John Moores, R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING To be arrange when necessary. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN.