209 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Thursday 12th April 1962.] Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 20th March were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Gate v Blackpool 6237. 9.0 Hibernion F. C. % 1193. 4.0 Tottenham Hostpur F. C. % 1208.16.6 Bolton Wanderers F. C. % 499.15.7 Blackburn Rovers F. C. % 313. 4.8 L. Shannon MORTGAGE REPAYMENT 1500. 0.0 Bank Balance £39,829.7.9 Dr. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st team games v Spurs, Blackpool, Bolton & Blackburn R., and of recent 2nd team games, and of the players on the injured list. TOUR It was reported that negotiations for 208 the proposed tour had fallen through. PLAYERS Mr. Catterick reported that many wingers 159 were under review, but none were available at the moment. RETAIN & TRANSFER The Retain & Transfer list was approved, LIST 153 together with the terms to be offered to the players. Crewd Bonus was approved at £1.0.0 per 1000 over 35,000 at Home games, Mercasid to 30/- per 1000 if 3rd or 4th in the League, and to £2.0.0 per 1000 if 1st or 2nd. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The Football League report on re-organisation REPORT and alteration of Regulations was considered, and RE-ORGANISATION it was agreed that Mr. Hughes should attend 203 the meeting on April 30th.