
FIXTURES		The following re-arranged dates were approved:-
	186	Bolton W. (A) Apl. 4th, Arsenal (A) May 1st,
		Liverpool Res. (A) Apl. 9th, Liverpool Res. (H) Apl. 25th.

PROPERTY		It was agreed to purchase No. 1, NANTWICH CLOSE
	203	Arrewe Park for £2975.0.0 subject to satisfactory
		survey report for Dannis Stevens.

WELSH F. A.		It was agreed to release Vennon & Green
	152	to play for Wales, if selected, on April 11th.

L'POOL SCHOOLS		It was agreed to allow the Liverpool
F. A.	203	Schoolboys the use of Goodison Park on Monday
		April 2nd if needed.

TOUR			It was agreed to accept an offer of 4
	202	games in Egypt in May, for £3000.0.0 plus all
		travel & Hotel cost including food.

SCOTTISH F. A.		It was agreed that we could not accept
	203	an invitation to play a charity match in Glasgow
		on May 5th owing to congestions of fixtures.

WAGES			The following increases were approved:-
		A. Storey & D. Rose 10/- each, W. Foster & B. White
		5/- each, G. Thompson 2/6, T. Irwin, J. Collins &
		G. Shannon 3/- each.

BRITISH EMPIRE		Appeals for donation from the British Empire
GAMES &		games, and British Universities Sports Board were
BRITISH UNIVERSITIES considered, and turned down.

SPORTS BOARD		It was agreed to make a donation of
		£15.15.0 to the Referees Association towards the cost
THE REFEREES	of their Annual Conference to be held in the North
ASSN.		West this year.

DIRECTORS AWAY		To TOTTENHAM:-Messrs John Moores, R. E. Searle,
		C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield.

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday Apl. 3rd at 5 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct

						   John Moores
