Association were approved, and it was agreed
to call an Extraordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders to consider the proposed alterations on
Tuesday Apl. 17th if possible.
CENTRAL LEAGUE It was agreed that Messrs J. C. Sharp &
JUBILEE J. Taylor should represent the Club at the Central
27 League Jubilee Banquet on Apl. 9th in Blackpool.
INTERNATIONAL It was agreed that we should second
MATCHES proposals by Burnley F. C. at the forthcoming A.G.M.'s
INSURANCE of the Football Association and the Football League for
190 adequate insurance for players whilst on International
duty, and for compensation to the Clubs who
provide players for these games.
DIRECTORS AWAY To Hibernian:- Messrs C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield.
NEXT MEETING Tuesday March 20th at 5 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
John Moores