[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Monday 29th Jan. 1962.]
Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 23rd were
read and confirmed.
FINANCE Receipts reported were :-
Gate v Manchester City 13,676.10.6
Cheques were signed for :-
F. A. Cup Pool 4358. 1. 0
F. League 4% 174. 6. 5
M/c City F. C. 4434.18.11
Police 206. 4. 0
Wages 578.17. 9
Midland Bank Ltd. Wages 246. 0. 9
Cash Disbursements 67.18. 5
Bank Balance £809.6.3 Cr.
REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st team game v
M/c City, the 2nd Team game v W. B. A. Res, and
of the players on the injured list.
FOOTBALL The report of the Football League on the
LEAGUE REPORT re-organisation of Football was considered. It was agreed
that the number of Clubs in each league should
be reduced before the League Cup re-organisation
takes place. The Board were against a 3 weeks extension
to the season and thought a One week extension
would be sufficient. The proposals for the League Cup
were next season were not favoured as it was felt
there was too much Football at present.
GRAMMAR It was agreed to allow the use of Goodison
SCHOOLS SHIELD Park on Monday March 26th, providing the ground
137 was fit, for the Final of the Everton Shield.
CROXTETH A request for 79 complimentary tickets for
SECONDARY the visit of boys from a Sunderland School was