195 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 16th Jan. 1962.] Present :- All Directors except Messrs John Moores and C. E. Balmforth who tendered their apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. R. E. Searle was elected Chairman for the Meeting. Minutes of Meeting of Dec. 19th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were :- Gate v Fulham 4745.13.6 " v Bolton W. 7924.17.9 " v Kings Lynn 8850. 6.9 Aston Villa F. C. % 889. 9.8 F. League 4% Pool an a/c 1000. 0.0 L. Shannon MORTGAGE REPAYMENT 300. 0.0 Programme Advertisers on a/c 1447. 0.0 Cheques were signed for :- Wages 690.13.7 Midland Bank Ltd. Wages 284. 8.9 Bank Balance £5205.13.11 Dr. EXCISE LICENCE Mr. Hughes reported that a justices 192 Licence had been granted, for the sale of intoxicating liquor, on our application. TRICKLE CHARGER Mr. Micklesfield reported an estimate of £77.0.0 for fitting an automatic tickle changer for the Battery of the Diesel generator. It was agreed to leave the matter to Mr. Micklesfield to try for lower price, failing which the estimate was approved. RENTS It was agreed to increase the Rents of the Goodison Ave. houses to the maximum permitted. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st team game