193 after the match. It was agreed that during the months of Dec., Jan. & Feb. the pitch should be rolled immediately after each match whether frost was imminent or not. VACANCY A letter was read from the Shareholders 66 Assn. asking if the Directors were in a position to receive a nomination. It was agreed to consider and explore the possibility of reducing the number of Directors to 8. PROPERTY It was agreed to try to pursued 183 Parker's in-laws to move to 219, Walton Lane at a rent of 35/- per week and if so to offer Alan Storey No. 5, Goodison Ave. at 30/- per week. LILL M. It was reported that Lill had made 187 enquiries as to the possibility of purchasing the house he occupied. It was agreed to offer him the property for £3,000.0.0. FLOODLIGHTING It was agreed that Mr. Micklesfield be put in charge of the Floodlighting installation. It was agreed to have the Diesel Engine services twice each year at an annual cost of £17.0.0, and to install a trickle changer to keep the battery fully charged. NEW YORK It was agreed not to accept an TOURNAMENT invitation to take part in the New York Soccer Tournament next Summer in New York. B. B. C. (T.V.) It was agreed to allow the B. B. C. to 187 film our Cup-tie v Kings Lynn for showing in sports special. PENSION SCHEME It was agreed that N. Benewdale and P. Wang be entered in the Clubs pension scheme. KEVAN LEO Suggestion for various forms of pre- match entertainment were considered, which did not commend themselves to the Board.