191 be connected ever. It was also agreed that the Lamps should be cleaned every 3 months during the playing season. DIRECTORS AWAY To Aston Villa:- Messrs John Moores, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield & E. Holland Hughes. CARDIFF F. MICKLESFIELD. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Appeals were considered from the Society LPL & S. W. LANCS of St. Vincent de Paul, L'pool & South West Lancs. PRISONERS AID SOC. Prisoners Aid Society, and Leindes Hospital COURDES HOSPITAL Extension Fund and turned down. KICK-OFFS It was agreed to make all Saturday 31 Kick-off times at 3 pm. after the end of the present year: i.e. from Jan. 1st, until further notice, and to review the position should attendances fall. A. D. O. 134 Invitations from these two Clubs to BLAW-WIT send our Youth Team to Holland to take part in Youth Tournaments were considered. It was agreed that these invitations could not be accepted this season. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Dec. 19th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores Chairman