184 VERNON R. An offer of £35,000 was considered from 178 Arsenal F. C. for the transfer of R. Vernon, and it was agreed that we could not part with Vernon at the moment. FERNELL 181 It was reported that Fernell was not (BURNLEY) prepared to leave Burnley yet. RANKIN It was reported that Rankin had signed (GOAL) as a full-time professional. HUGHES O. It was reported that Owain Hughes, a 79 groundstaff boy had been released. GATE BONUS It was agreed to consider reducing the gate figure for bonuses to players to 38,000 if the team were in the top four. ILLEGAL BONUSES A discussion took place on numerous of payments of illegal bonuses by some clubs to their players, and a draft letter to the Football League was approved, to be sent if the Chairman deemed it advisable. DEAN W. R. It was agreed to send a complimentary season ticket to W. R. Dean. DYNAMO KIEV It was agreed to entertain the Dynamo 177 Team to Lunch on Nov. 15th at the Adelphi Hotel together with our 1st team players & trainer, and to purchase a suitable moments for each member of the visiting party. DIRECTOR AWAY To Sheffield Utd. Res. :- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meetings:- Monday Oct. 30th at 5 p.m. and Tuesday Nov. 14th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct Chairman R. E. Searle