
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday 2nd October 1961]

			Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
		all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance.
			Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 18th were
		read and confirmed.

FINANCE			Receipts reported were :-
		Gate v Arsenal					  7190.11.6
		M/c City F. C. %				   890.16.5
		Burnley F. C. %					   904. 4.2
			Cheques were signed for :-
		Football League %				   276. 6.10
		Arsenal F. C. %					  1132. 1. 6
		Police						   147.10. 0
		Wages						   673.18. 9
		Midland Bank Ltd. Wages				   266. 6. 2
		Doncaster Rovers F. C. re Veall			10,000. 0. 0
			Bank Balance £30,036.8.0 Dr.

CAREY J. J.		It was reported that the sum of £4000.0.0
	170	had been paid into Court in respect of the claim
		by Mr. Carey.

GABRIEL J.		It was reported that Gabriel had decided
	178	to take No 6 Wrekin Drive after further

SHAREHOLDERS		Counsels opinion was reported that the
TICKETS		Directors have the power to vary Shareholders
		Tickets rights, should they so desire, and the
		Boards appreciation to Mr. Hughes for the work
		involved was expressed.
REPORTS			Reports were given of the 1st team game
		v Arsenal, the 2nd team game v Bolton Res.
		and of the players on the injured list.

VEALL R.		It was reported that Veall had been
		from Doncaster Rovers for a fee of £10,145.0.0.