175 CLAYTON R. It was reported that Mr. Catterick (BLACKBURN R.) had gone to watch Clayton play at Blackburn, and it was agreed that he be given power to bid up to £35,000 for his transfer. HARRIS B. A written request from Brian Harris to be placed on the transfer list was considered, and it was agreed that he be told he would be expected to honour his agreement until a decision to terminate it is mutual. B. B. C. A request from B. B. C. to film 137 one of our home games for showing on Television on a Sunday was considered, but in view of a letter from the Football League advising us that the Management Committee were negotiating an agreement on similar lines it was agreed to inform the B. B. C. that we could not negotiate at present. TEMPLE D. It was agreed to apply for permission to pay a Benefit of £450.0.0 to Derek Temple. SCOTTISH F. A. A request was considered from the 156 Scottish F. A. for the release of any players, if selected, for training on Sept. 10th & 11th and 17th & 18th and to play on Tuesday Sept. 26th in Scotland, and to play on Saturday Oct. 7th in Ireland. Due to our present position with injuries, it was agreed that we could not release any players for the training session or to play on Sept. 26th, but it was probable that we could release any players selected for the match on Oct. 7th. DIRECTOR AWAY To Huddersfield:- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Monday Sept. 4th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN