172 be rescinded. It was agreed that the Manager should have power to negotiate for the transfer of available players, but to report to the Board before a final decision is made. MR. & MRS. GORDON It was agreed that Mr. & Mrs. J. Gordon, Alex Parkin's in-law, be given one months notice to quit No. 17, Thirlmere Drive. SECURICOR LTD. A question for the services of SECURICOR LTD. (SECURITY) for security in sending the gate money to the Band was considered but it was not thought necessary. TRANSFER OF The following were approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 1790 & 1573 TO 1575, FROM ADMR. J. W. G. GRIERSON TO JOSEPH WM. GRIERSON. SHARES NOD. 2042 TO 2044 FROM EXIX W. G. MILLER TO BEATRICE MARIA MILLER. SHARE NO 2107 FROM EXORS. I. M. ROBSON TO MRS. M. E. JONES " 2108 FROM EXORS. I. M. ROBSON TO MARRY JONES " 2109 FROM EXORS. I. M. ROBSON TO HARRY JONES. DIRECTORS AWAY To Derby:- Mr. J. Taylor. " West Brom.:- Messrs John Moores, F. Micklesfield & E. Holland Hughes. To Fulham:- Messrs John Moores, R. E. Searle & R. A. Joynson. NEXT MEETING Monday Aug. 28th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores Chairman