170 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Friday 18th Aug. 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of July 21st were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were:- Season Ticket Sales to date 28,000.0.0 Oldham Athletic F. C. re Shackleton 500.0.0 A Cheque was signed for:- Comms. Inl. Rev. P. A. Y. E. 1204.4.3 Bank Balance £29,562.5.8 Dr. WIGNALL F. It was agreed that Wignall should be given 168 the tenancy of the house to be vacated by Dunlop, and a request from Dunlop for the tenancy of the house vacated by Collins was deferred. DYNAMO. P. S. It was reported that Wed. Nov. 8th was 169 the proposed date for this fixture at Goodison Park, and in view of the possible call on players for International duty on that date it was agreed to try and arrange the game for Monday Nov. 13th. CROWD CONTROL Mr. Sharp reported that the Crowd Control 147 equipment was now installed and ready, and it was agreed that it be maintained by the Manufacturers for the first 3 games. CLOCKS A letter was read from the F. A. stating 169 that their decision not to allow 45 minutes clocks on Football Grounds could not be altered. J. J. CAREY Mr. Hughes outlined the argument for and 167 against in the claim for compensation by Mr. Carey. It was agreed to pay £4000.0.0 into Court in the hope of reaching an agreed settlement. A/C TOUR. U.S.A. The financial statement of the trip to New York 167