169 be altered. RUSSIAN TEAM. It was agreed to play a match at DYNAMO P. S. Goodison Park in November against a Visiting Russian Team. 50% of the net gate to be paid to Aston Villa, the host Club. PROPERTY Approval was given to the purchase of 161 87, The Northern Rd. Crosby for £2,600.0.0 to be occupied by T. Eggleston at a Rent of 30/- per week. LPOOL C. F. A. It was noted that the Liverpool County F. A. would reduce their share of Senior Cup games to 10% if the gross gate exceeds £1,000.0.0. F. A. CLOCKS A letter was read from the Football 158 Association outlining the reasons against the use of 45 minute clocks. It was agreed to pursue the matter further with them. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Aug. 15th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores Chairman