168 and it was agreed to leave the matter to Mr. Hughes to negotiate a settlement up to £4,000.0.0. GROUNDSTAFF It was agreed to increase the wages of A. Storey WAGES to £13.0.0 per week, D. Rose to £10.5.0 per week and W. Foster and B. White to £9.15.0 per week. PLAYERS Mr. Catterick reported that all the players had reported fit except Ring who was making good progress, & JARVIS A. It was reported that Alan Jarvis had signed professional forms. WIGNALL F. It was agreed that a request by F. Wignall 146 for a Club house be left to Mr. Catterick to fix him up with one that was available. H. E. COOKE Mr. Catterick reported that Mr. H. E. Cooke was 160 willing to retire on July 28th and it was agreed to make him a presentation, value up to £50.0.0. S. J. BENTHAM It was agreed to make an ex gratia payment 160 of £250.0.0 to S. J. Bentham. REPORT OF Mr. Sharp reported on the progress of the GROUND COMM. ground work and installation of Crowd Control apparatus. It was agreed to fix wire netting at Bellefield along the wall adjoining the gardens of the house and to remove the nets from the tennis courts to allow use for training. REPORT OF Mr. Joynson reported on the progress of MAINTENANCE COMM. Repair work in hand. An estimate of £200.0.0 for a display Cabinet was deferred to see if the existing fitting was adequate. LICENSED The question of opening licensed bars was BARS discussed and it was agreed that Mr. Searle explore the possibility of a trial on a small scale. SHAREHOLDERS Several letters were read from Shareholders 59 requesting the Board to re-consider their decision not to allow Boys into the Shareholders Stand on a Lady's ticket, but it was agreed that the decision could not