166 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 27th June 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secy. in attendance. CHAIRMAN Mr. R. E. Searle proposed that Mr. John Moores 95 be re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. This was seconded by Mr. Hughes and carried unanimously Mr. Moores thanked his colleagues for their continued support. The following Sub-Committees were re-elected for the ensuing year. FINANCE C. Messrs E. Holland Hughes, N. W. Coffey and 95 F. Micklesfield. MAINTENANCE C. 160 Messrs R. A. Joynson, R. E. Searle & N. W. Coffey. GROUND C. 95 Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor. ECONOMY C. 95 Messrs John Moores, R. E. Searle & E. Holland Hughes. QUORUM It was agreed that the Quorum should remain at four. TRANSFER OF The following were approved: SHARES SHARES NOD. 1327 to 1329 FROM EXOR OF F. J. BUNDY TO KATHLEEN BUNDY. SHARES NOD. 374 & 2335 FROM EXOR JOHN LANSDOWNE TO ARTHUR CLEVELAND LANSDOWNE. NEXT MEETING This was left to the discretion of the Chairman. Confirmed as correct John Moore Chairman