163 [Minutes of the 82nd Annual General Mtg. held at the Chamber of Commerce, Old Hall St., Liverpool on Monday June 26th 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and Messrs R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, J. Taylor, R. A. Joynson and E. Holland Hughes, Directors, and 76 Shareholders together with the Secretary and Manager and Mr. G. H. Bowler, Auditor. NOTICE The notice convening the Meeting was read by the Secretary. PRESS The members of the Press were admitted with the approval of the Meeting. MINUTES The minutes of the 81st Annual General Meeting having been circulated were taken as read, and were approved and signed as a correct record. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT The Chairman gave a report of the past Seasons working and expressed his pleasure with the improved displays last season, and the improvement in the Financial position. He referred to the change in Team Manager and considered the Club had been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Catterick and was looking to the future with confidence. Mr. J. H. Hinton praised the Board for the excellent accounts and this was supported by Mr. D. McPhaill. Questions by Messrs J. H. Hinton & G. W. D. Beattie were answered and it was suggested that the Programme Income and expenditure be shown separately, but it was explained that this was not desirable. ACCOUNTS AND It was agreed that the Accounts BALANCE SHEET and Balance Sheet, together with the Directors' & REPORTS