161 Ashphalt Roof & Glass Roof for £500 were considered and it was agreed that these be accepted. TURNSTILE CONTROL It was agreed that an estimate of £465.0.0 from Edward Carter for wiring the turnstiles be accepted. FOOTBALL LEAGUE It was agreed, in view of the long trips CUP to America, not to enter the Football League Cup 91 next season. COMPLIMENTARY The complimentary list was approved LIST after certain amendments had been made. 98 PROPERTY It was reported that No. 61 Coronation 114 Road, Lydiate had been bought for £2,600.0.0, subject to survey for J. Fell. WELSH FOOTBALL It was agreed to donate £100.0.0 to LEAGUE the Welsh Football League Medals Fund. NEXT MEETING Tuesday 27th June at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores Chairman