[MINUTES OF THE 81st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OLD HALL STREET, LIVERPOOL, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1960.] Present: Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chairman) and W. C. Macaulay and T. B. Tickle had been THE Messrs. J. C. Sharp (Vice-Chairman), R. E. answered, the proposition was duly carried. Searle, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, J. Taylor, J. Moores, R. A. Joynson, E. Holland Hughes Dividend Everton Football Club Directors, and 86 Shareholders, together with Mr. E. Holland Hughes proposed that a COMPANY LIMITED the Secretary and Manager and Mr. G. H. Dividend of 5% free of tax be paid on the paid up Bowler, Auditor. Capital of the Company. This was seconded by Mr. W. Birch and duly carried. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Notice Remuneration of Auditors Annual General Meeting of the Company The Notice convening the meeting was read by Mr. C. H. Askham proposed that the remunera- will be held at the Chamber of Commerce, the Secretary. tion of the Auditors for the ensuing year be the 1 Old Hall Street, Liverpool 3, on Monday, same as last year. This was seconded by Mr. the 26th day of June, 1961, at 7.0 p.m. to Press B. S. Hackney and duly carried. receive and consider the Report of the Members of the Press were admitted with the Directors, and the Accounts for the period approval of the meeting. Election of Directors ended 6th May, 1961, to authorise the In the absence of any other nominations it was payment of Dividend, to elect Directors, to Minutes agreed unanimously that a single resolution be fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the The Minutes of the 80th Annual General put to the meeting for the re-election of the three ensuing year, and to transact any other Meeting having been circulated were taken as retiring Directors. The Chairman then proposed business which may be transacted at the read and were approved and signed as a correct that the three retiring Directors, Messrs. N. W. Ordinary General Meeting of the Company. record. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth and E. Holland Hughes be re-elected for a period of three years. This was By Order of the Board, Shareholders' Stand seconded by Mr. W. Birch and duly carried. Mr. Mr. P. L. Parry expressed disappointment that Holland Hughes, on behalf of himself and his W. Dickinson, the Directors had not agreed to meet a deputation colleagues thanked the Shareholders for their to discuss ways and means of finding a satisfactory support. Secretary. solution to the seats allocated to Shareholders, and Mr. T. B. Tickle thought the financial results Players' Report Admission on presentation of Balance Sheet. of season ticket sales did not come up to expecta- The Manager, Mr. J. Carey, gave a report of tions. The Chairman explained that the Boys' Pen the playing side, and said he was quietly confident Goodison Park, was to be moved further back to reduce the noise that team building was progressing favourably. Liverpool. and present indications on the sale of season tickets was much better than last year. Pitch 30th May, 1961. The Chairman reviewed the workings of the past Mr. S. I. Heller asked about the work on the season and expressed confidence for the future. pitch, and Mr. Sharp replied outlining the meas- Notice is also given that a Member of the ures taken to relieve the problem of flooding. Company entitled to attend and vote at the above Accounts and Balance Sheet and Reports Mr. D. G. Stephenson asked for a few words Annual General Meeting, is entitled to appoint a It was agreed that the Accounts and Balance from Mr. Moores, who spoke of his ideas for proxy to attend and vote instead of him, and that Sheet, together with the Directors' Report and further improving the team. the proxy need not be a member of the Company. the Report of the Auditors thereon having been circulated be taken as read. Mr. F. Micklesfield Vote of Thanks then proposed that the Balance Sheet and Reports The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Proxies must be lodged at the Registered Office of be adopted and this was seconded by Mr. W. H. Chairman and Directors proposed by Mr. W. H. the Company, not less than 48 hours before the time Sawyer. After questions by Messrs. J. H. Hinton, Sawyer and seconded by Mr. J. H. Hinton. of the Meeting.