155 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 8th May 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 24th Apl. were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipt reported were:- Gate v Chelsea Youth 1790.17.6 Gate v Arsenal 5691.19.3 Sheffield Wed. F. C. % 526.16.4 Cheques were signed for:- K. L. M. Airlines 184. 0.0 Staff Wages 221.2.11 Bank Balance £3545.8.4 Dr. REPORTS A report was given of the 1st Team game v Arsenal and of the players on the injured list. J. J. CAREY It was reported that the writ had 153 now been served, and the statement of claim was awaited. SIGNINGS It was reported that the following players had re-signed for next season:- Dunne, Mailey, Green, Parnell, Labone, Lill, Sharples, Gannon, Ring, Tyrer, Webber & Gorrie. It was reported the majority of the senior players wanted higher wages than the terms offered and it was agreed to leave the matter in abeyance for the time being. MEDICAL ROOM It was agreed that improvement were 137 needed in the upkeep of the Medical Room, and the Manager was authorised to engage the services of a part-time Physiotherapist at a salary up to £800.0.0 per annum. It was agreed