
		for J. Fell subject to valuation. The price
		asked being £2,700.0.0 without garage.

WELSH F. A.		It was agreed to release Vernon to play for
	111.	Wales on Apl. 19th if selected.

IRISH F. A.		It was agreed to release Bingham to play
	148	for Ireland on Apl. 25, May 3rd & 10th if selected.

FOOTBALL		It was agreed that the Chairman be given
LEAGUE MTG.	discretion at the League Meeting to meet eventualities,
	134	and to propose a £30. wage maximum for players
		if he thought this desirable.

SEASON TICKET		It was agreed to increase the prices of
PRICES		Stand Season Tickets by one guinea to 8 gns. & 7 gns.
	66	to bring them into line with increased admission
		prices this last season. It was agreed to consider
		special amenities at extra charge for one Season
		Ticket section next season, for 192.63. J. M.

LORD MAYOR		It was agreed to accept an invitation from
		the Lord Mayor to Dinner on Wed. May. 10th.

FIXTURES		A questionnaire from the Football League was
	148	considered for next season fixtures. It was agreed
		not to ask for games on Friday night except
		on Grand National eve.

DIRECTOR AWAY		To Sheffield:- Mr. Coffey.

NEXT MEETING		Monday 17th Apl. at 4.45 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct

						John Moores
