
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday 11th April 1961]

			Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
		all other Directors except Mr. Hughes who tendered
		his apologies.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of March 27th were
		read and confirmed.

FINANCE			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v B'Ham City			  4384.12.0
		Gate v B'Burn Rovers			  6203. 6.6
		Gate v Chesterfield Res.		   110.11.6
		W. B. A. F. C. %			   461. 4.2
		B'Burn Rovers %				   559.11.6
		Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd.	  5000. 0.0
			Bank Balance £9649.14.0 Dr.

REPORTS			Reports were given of the 1st Team game v
		Newcastle Utd., the 2nd Team Games v Chesterfield
		Res. & M/c City Res. and of the players on the
		injured list.

TOUR			It was agreed to take 16 player to New
	137	York and to purchase Blazer suits for them, and
		to ensure against travelling needs.

CHANGE STRIP		It was agreed that Black shorts and
		Amber Jerseys would be used as our official
		change strip.

L. SHANNON		It was agreed that L. Shannon be allowed
	1.	to accept an invitation from the F. A. to attend
		an official International Coaching Course in
		Switzerland from June 4th to 10th.

A. YOUNG		It was agreed to purchase No. 54 Bull
	144.	Bridge Lane for £3,000.0.0 for A. Young subject
		to the approval of the Chairman of Finance.

J. FELL			It was agreed to purchase No.