148 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 27th March 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager, Secy. in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of March 20th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipt reported was:- Gate v Aston Villa 3824.15.6 A cheque was signed for:- Wages 759.12.0 Bank Balance £18,803.14.1 Dr. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st Team game v W. B. A. and of the 2nd Team game v W. B. A. Res. and of the players on the injured list. IRISH F. A. It was agreed to release Birgham to play 114 for Ireland on Apl. 12th if selected. F. LEAGUE The amendments to the Management Comm. AGENDA proposals were studied and decisions agreed. 147 FIXTURES The following arrangements were reported 131 Mar. 29 v Stoke City Youth (Semi Final 1st leg) Away. Apl. 10 v M/c City Res. Away Apl. 17 v Tranmere Rovers (Lpl. Sen. Cup-Semi Final) Home. YOUTH TOUR It was agreed that Messrs J. Taylor & R. A. 126 Joynson travel to Holland for the Youth Tournament, with 15 players, trainer & L. Shannon. The players to travel by air. TRANSFER OF The following was approved:- SHARES SHARES NO 290-292 FROM Xors. J. A. Martin to J. R. Martin. DIRECTORS AWAY To Stoke:- Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor. To Blackburn:- Messrs J. C. Sharp, R. E. Searle, N. W. Coffey & F. Micklesfield. To Bury Res. & B'Burn Res.:- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Wed. Apl. 5 at 12 NOON or Tues Apl. 11th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN