141 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Friday 17th Feb. 1961] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors except Mr. Micklesfield who tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 7th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were:- Gate:- England v Wales (under 23) 4403. 1.0 Gate v Sh. Utd. Res. 64.18.6 West Ham Utd. F. C. 545.17.9 Sale 38 Larchwood Ave. 1797.16.6 Bank Balance £10,881.16.6 Dr. PARKER, A. It was agreed to erect a Garage to 77 cost £180.0.0 at the new house to be occupied by Parker for which he would pay an additional 2/- per week. It was agreed that Mr. Parker's parents could remain at no. 17. Thirlmere Dr. temporarily until they found a house of their own. COLLINS, R. A discussion took place on the 138 action of Collins in disclosing to the Press criticisms by the Chairman of the poor displays recently. It was agreed that the Chairman and Manager should see Collins and inform him that the Board disapprove of his action and to inform him that in future any such discussions must be treated as private, and not for publication. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st Team game v West Ham and of the 2nd Team game Sheffield Utd. Res., and of the players on the injured list.