
O'GRADY. O.L.		The Chairman and Manager reported that
(HUDDERSFIELD)	O'Grady appeared more of a promising player
	131	rather than an accomplished player. They would
		not value him at more than £15,000.0.0. It
		was agreed to make enquiries for Harris of Burnley
		or Halliday of Middlesbrough and if neither were
		available Mr. Searle be given power to negotiate
		for Auld up to £15,000.0.0.

BONER D.		It was reported that Boner had been
	130	transferred to Dundee Utd. for £400.0.0 and it
		was agreed to apply for permission to pay him
		£400.0.0 as accrued share of Benefit.

BANGU F. C.		It was agreed to accept an offer for
(BRAZIL)	Bangu F. C. (Brazil) to play at Goodison Park
		on Wed. Apl. 12th for £2000.0.0 plus 2 nights
		Hotel expenses.

Tour			An offer of £2,000.0.0 plus expenses
	128	was considered from Mr. W. Treme of Zurich to play
		3 games on the Continent at the end of the
		season. It was agreed to accept this offer if we
		were not selected to go to America.

ADO F. C.		It was agreed to accept an invitation
		for our Youth Team to play in a Tournament in
		Holland in early June.

FOOTBALL		The terms of the settlement between the
LEAGUE		Football League and the Professional Footballers Assn.
	(129)	were considered. It was felt that the concessions
		to the players exceeded the mandate given by the
		Clubs, whose interests were not safeguarded
		sufficiently, and it was agreed to send a protest
		to the Football League and object to this.

FOOTBALL		It was agreed that our 5th Round tie
LEAGUE CUP	v Shrewsbury (away) be played on Wed. Feb. 15th
	123	K. O. 7.30 P.M.