
		a letter he had sent to the Football League was
		read and approved, intimating that clubs rights
		should be preserved in the Retain & Transfer of

PLAYERS			In the event of the players strike
STRIKE		materialising it was agreed to ask the Football
	126	League for their views on the question of allowing
		training facilities for the players and the
		treatment of injured players, and also whether
		or not players wages should be paid for the
		current week.

MEDICAL			It was reported that all players living
		locally had been instructed to register with Dr.
		Davies to cut down on Medical Bills, and it was
		agreed that the Club would pay for medicine for
		players not registered with Dr. Davies should this be

SCOTTISH F. A.		It was agreed to release any one player,
	128	of Collins, Parker or Thomson, in addition to
		Gabriel to play for the Scottish XI on Jan. 30th.

CHELMSFORD F. C.	It was agreed not to accept an invitation
		to play a friendly match at Chelmsford on 13th Feb.

BONER D.		It was reported that enquiries had been
		made for Boner, and it was agreed that he be given
		a free transfer.

WIGNALL, F.		It was reported that Wignall was
		getting married at Easter and had requested a Club
		house. It was agreed to leave this over for the
		time being.

MULHALL, O. L.		Mr. Micklesfield and Mr. Carey reported that
ABERDEEN	Mulhall moved well but not in game in 1st Half. Played
		better in 2nd Half at inside forward. Aberdeen were
		not prepared to part at the moment.

AULD O. L.		This player had impressed, but had a bad