128 these were liable to tax under P. A. Y. E. B. B. C. It was agreed to allow the B. B. C. to 122 take film of training on Tuesday next for showing on television. SCOTTISH F. A. A request for the release of Grabiel for 114 Jan. 11th, Jan. 30th, Feb. 13th and March 1st was considered, and it was agreed to release him on Jan. 30th and March 1st subject to him not being request for Cup replays. TOUR Two invitations were considered and it was 110 agreed to ask for financial offers for consideration. MASCOT A request for a boy to act as Team Mascot was considered, and it was agreed that this request could not be granted. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The agenda for the Football League Meeting AGENDA 124 was considered and the decisions noted. L'POOL SECURITY An application for the tenancy of the CO. LTD. Garages at Bellefield was considered, and it was agreed that this was not desirable. B. B. C. It was agreed to allow the B. B. C. to 128 film excepts of our Cup-tie on Jan. 7th for showing on Television. MANWEB It was agreed to accept an estimate of £109.4.0 to divert our outside service to the sub station inside the ground. GROUND It was agreed that Mr. Sharp arrange (SPECTATORS) for the terraces to be surveyed to ascertain the capacity with a view to reduce the possibility of overcrowding. NEXT MEETING At the Chairman's discretion. CONFIRMED AS CORRECT John Moores CHAIRMAN