
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday 28th Nov. 1960]

			Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman)
		and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary
		in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 14th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were :-
		Gate v Newcastle			5944.19.6
		Gate v Bury				3080. 5.6
		Gate v Sh. Wed. Res.			  39. 9.1
		Cardiff City F. C. %			 401.19.5
			Cheques were signed for :-
		Wages					   839.13.1
		Hearts F. C.				57,000. 0.0
			Bank Balance £47,585.5.10 Dr.

PRACTISE GROUND		It was reported that Messrs En Taut Cas
	119	were to send an estimate for the rehabilitation
		of the Practice Ground. It was agreed that this
		be put in hand if the estimate was in the
		region of £1250.0.0.

GROUND			It was agreed that the Pitch be levelled
	54	immediately after each match during the winter.

H. P. FRIEDRICH		A letter was read from Hans P. Friedrich
	116	and it was agreed to accept a refund of £100
		by instalments over 4 months from Jan. next.

MISS F. BUCHANAN	It was agreed to forego any refund of
	86	payments made to Miss Buchanan since the
		date of her accident if her claim was successful.

REPORTS			Reports were given of the 1st team game
		v Arsenal and of the 2nd team game v Sheffield
		Wed. Res. and of the players on the injured list.

J. HARRIS		It was reported that Birmingham City
		had enquired about the possibility of securing