120 convene another meeting for this purpose as soon as possible. Adlington Mr. Hughes and Mr. Joynson reported having (DERBY CTY.) watched this player last Saturday. They could not judge him on this game as he had little to do. PADDOCK TKTS. It was agreed to put all Paddock Tickets for the Spurs Match on sale next Saturday except 500 for the Directors, Players & Tottenham, any unsold at the turnstiles to be available to the Directors. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st team game v Cardiff, the 2nd team game v Bury Res. and of the players on the injured list. RHYL F. C. A request from Rhyl F. C. for a further 44 donation in respect of S. Edwards was considered inopportune, as the player had not yet established himself, and it was agreed to ask them to apply again when he had made further progress. DAILY HERALD A letter was considered from the Daily Herald asking if we were in favour of the forming of a "Super League". It was agreed to send a non-committal acknowledgement. IRISH GUARDS It was agreed to allocate 6 Directors Box BAND tickets for the use of Army Officials next Saturday 115 when the Irish Guard Band would be providing music. TRANSFER OF The following was approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 487, 488 & 610 TO 612 from Exors Catherins Taggart to John Daniel Taggart. DIRECTOR AWAY To Chesterfield:- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING wed. Nov. 23rd at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN