
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday 14th Nov. 1960]

			Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
		all other Directors.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 7th were
		read and confirmed.

FINANCE			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Blackpool Youth			232. 7.0
		Gate v Bury Res.			 41. 7.6
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Comms. Inland Rev. P. A. Y. E.		555.17.0
		Wages					696. 4.7
			Bank Balance £5641.8.10 Cr.

TRAVEL			It was agreed that in future any away
		journeys over 50 miles be done by train.

PRACTICE GROUND		Mr. Sharp and Mr. Carey reported that they
	116	had inspected a pitch covered with "Griselda" and
		in their opinion it was a satisfactory surface
		for the Practice Pitch. It was agreed to obtain
		a quotation from Eri Tout Cas for this to be done.

CANTWELL, L. B.	117	Mr. Carey reported that Cantwell was not
(WEST HAM)	available for transfer.

REPORT OF		The report of recommendations as presented
FINANCE COMM.	by Mr. Hughes was approved. (Copy annexed).

DIRECTORS EXPENSES	It was agreed that the 15/- allowance
	89	for day journeys away from home, when Directors
		travelled with the official party be abolished.

FOOTBALL LEAGUE		The Chairman reported on the Football
MEETING		League Meeting., when no increased wages for the
	110	players was approved. It was agreed to write to
		the Football League asking the Management
		Committee to re-explore the situation, and formulate
		a proposal to increased players wages and to