
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday 7th Nov. 1960]

			Present :- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all
		other Directors except Messrs R. E. Searle & F. Micklesfield
		who tendered their apologies. Manager & Secretary
		in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 24th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were :-
		Gate v M/c City				8142.17.9
		Bournemouth F. C. re King		2000. 0.0
		Gate v Walsall				1962.13.6
		Notts Forest F. C. %			 434. 8.6
		Gate v W. B. A.				5916.16.0
			Cheques were signed for :-
		Football League %			 226.12.6
		West Brom. A. %				 904. 9.10
		Police					 113.13.0
		Wages					 760.10.11
		Directors xes.				 125.13.9
			Bank Balance £6652.5.6 Cr.

PRACTICE PITCH		A discussion took place on the
		rehabilitation of the Practise Pitch, and it was
		agreed to leave this to Mr. Sharp and the Manager
		to report back after seeing Burnley pitch and
		getting a film quotation.

FRIEDRICH H. P.		It was reported that no satisfactory reply
	114	had been received from Hans. P. Friedrich and it
		was agreed to put the matter in the hands
		of German Solicitors.

BINGHAM W.		It was reported that we had to offer
	112	£2,850.0.0 for the Bungalow for Bingham with
		possession on Jan. 1st. It was agreed to help
		him with the rent of a furnished flat if he