115 SPECIAL It was agreed that the 1st team TRAINING players should go to Blackpool for a few days next week for special training. IRISH GUARDS It was agreed to accept an offer BAND for the Irish Guard Band to play at our Match on Nov. 19th, at no cost to the Club. NEWS OF THE It was agreed to make an arrangement WORLD on behalf of the News of the World on Nov. 5th and to ask for a fee of £50.0.0. ARDS F. C. An invitation to send a team to play in a benefit match from Ards F. C. was turned down. TOM FINNEY An appeal for a donation to the TESTIMONIAL Tom Finney Testimonial was considered and 105 turned down. BUTLINS YOUNG It was agreed to accept an offer LADIES for the Butlins Young Ladies to give a display at one of our future home games. FOOTBALL LEAGUE The agenda for the Football League AGENDA 82 Extraordinary General Meeting was considered, and it was agreed to oppose the amended offer for live televising of League Matches. Decisions were also taken as to which of the either proposals to support or otherwise. TRANSFER OF The following was approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 1611 TO 1615 from EXIX of Herbert Roberts to Herbert Eric Roberts. DIRECTORS AWAY To Nottingham:- Messrs R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth & R. A. Joynson. NEXT MEETING Monday Nov. 7th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN