
		signed as a full time professional player.

MANCHESTER C.		It was agreed, if the Manchester City
		game was postponed to re-arrange the date
		for Monday Oct. 24th, and arrange the
		Walsall game for Monday Oct. 31st.

TRANSFER OF		The following was approved:-
SHARES		SHARES NOD. 2328 & 1353 from the Exix of F. H.
		Seed to Louisa Seed.

DIRECTORS AWAY		To Fulham:- Messrs J. Moores, R. E. Searle
		and F. Micklesfield & E. Holland Hughes.
						  Mr. Sharp
			To Burnley Celebration :- Mr. Micklesfield.

NEXT MEETING		Monday Oct. 24th at 3.30 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct

							R. E. Searle