111 G. SHARPLES It was reported that George Sharples G. MORTON and George Morton had signed as full-time professional players. A. DUNLOP It was reported that A. Dunlop 103 had been selected to play for an F. A. XI on G. SHARPLES Oct. 5th and G. Sharples had been selected to play for the England Youth Team on Oct. 8th. 2nd TEAM GAMES It was agreed to revert to Goodison Park for future reserve team games, and to express our appreciation to all concerned. NORRIS GREEN B. C. It was agreed to donate £10.0.0 to Norris Green Boys Club in respect of Bennett & Hayes in accordance with the agreement with the Liverpool Boys Assn. WELSH F. A. It was agreed to release Vennon to 108 play for Wales on Oct. 22nd and Nov. 23rd if selected, and to release Collins, Parker and SCOTTISH F. A. Gabriel to play for Scotland on Oct. 22nd, if 68 selected. It was also agreed to ask the Football League to postpone our League Match v M/c City on Oct. 22nd if two or more players were on International duty. F. L. CUP It was reported that the 2nd Round 101 tie v Walsall had been tentatively fixed for Wed. Oct. 26th at Goodison Park. ADVERTISING An application for permission to 61 advertise over the Loud Speaker system on behalf of a National Newspaper was deferred for further information. DIRECTOR AWAY To Burnley :- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Monday Oct. 10th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct John Moores CHAIRMAN