
DUNKIRK			It was agreed to display four
VETERANS ASSN.	posters outside the ground for this organisation
		for a short period.

RESERVED TICKETS	It was agreed that any reserved 7/6d.
		tickets not sold in advance, should be sold at
		the turnstiles at 6/- each.

DIRECTOR AWAY		To Sheffield :- Mr. J. Taylor.

PLAYERS WAGES		Consideration was given to a letter
		from the Football League on the question
		of increased wages for Players. It was
		agreed to suggest that increases be made
		by payment of appearance money to 11 players
		in the 1st Team of £5.0.0 and bonus to
		12 players of £8.0.0 for a win and £4.0.0
		for a draw, and that these be payable
		immediately ratified by the Clubs.

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday Sept. 26th at 5 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct

						   John Moores
