
		the net gate in Dublin after the end of the season.
		This was agreed to providing it would not
		interfere with any Tour that may be arranged, and
		that a minimum guarantee be given to cover our

MEAGAN M.		It was reported that Blackpool had
		enquired of the possibility of transferring Meagan.
		It was agreed to ask for £15,000.0.0 and Mr. Carey
		was given power to complete the deal at £12,000 or over,
		and if necessary ask for West, goalkeeper in part
		exchange at a value of approximately £5,000.0.0.

APPEALS			Appeals from the South Liverpool Hospital
		Management Comm., Merseyside & Wirral League of Friends
		& Prescot Cables were considered and turned down.

ACCRINGTON STANLEY	It was agreed to print reserve tickets for
	68	our League Cup-tie v Accrington at 7/6 each.

TRANSFER OF		The following were approved:-
SHARES		SHARES NOD. 1816-1818 from ADM. C. W. Rutterford to
		J. G. Rutterford.
		SHARES NOD. 1045-1047 from Mrs. R. G. Makepeace to
		Mr. John Moores.

DIRECTORS AWAY		To Bolton:- Mr. J. Taylor.
						J. C. Sharp
			To Blackpool:- Messrs C. E. Balmfoth & J. Taylor.

NEXT MEETING		Monday Sept. 19th at 4.30 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct

						   John Moores
