103 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday Aug. 29th 1960] Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 16th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Season Ticket Sales 22,400. 0.0 Gate v M/c Utd. 7840. 0.9 Gate v Leicester City 6464. 3.0 Tottenham Hostpur F. C. 1305.10.0 Cheques were signed for:- J. O'Neill Benefit 374. 3.9 Football League % 249. 0.1 Leicester City F. C. 999.12.2 Police 107. 1.0 Wages 732.18.7 M/c Utd. F. C. 50. 0.0 Bank Balance £17,122.6.1 Dr. Dunlop It was reported that Dunlop had severed 102 his connection with the licensed Club opened recently. SCOUTING It was felt that the part-time Scouts 89 were not producing the expected results, and it was agreed to disposal with their services if there was no improvement. It was agreed that Mr. F. Bennett be put on a part-time basis at £4-0-0 per week. MANAGER & It was reported that Deeds of covenant SECRETARY had been completed in favour of the Manager and Secretary to pay these officials a sum equivalent to their Salaries, and agreements had been completed receiving the Club of liability as long as those payments were made.