102 vacating 38 Larchwood Ave. shortly and it was agreed to dispose of this property. The Secretary was authorised to spend up to £100.0.0 on decorating and cleaning to make the house more attractive. DUNLOP A. It was reported that our player Dunlop 14 had in partnership opened a licensed Club in the Vicinity of the Ground. It was agreed that Dunlop be informed that this could not be permitted and that he must sever his connection with the Club. SPORTING Mr. Joynson reported that it had been PUBLICATIONS discovered that this firm were booking advertising space in our programme, and re-selling at much higher prices. It was agreed that nothing could be done about this for the current season, but this anomaly could be dealt with next season. CUP FINAL It was agreed to incorporate a Cup VOUCHERS Final voucher scheme in the Programme. GROUND Mr. Sharp gave a report on the Pitch, RENOVATION which had cost £3,069.0.0 for reconstruction work. He had arranged for the removal of the surplus soil at a cost of £325.0.0 and this was approved. TRANSFER OF The following were approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 1584-1586 FROM T. V. WINTERSON to R. HEPBURN. - - 389-394 FROM W. R. HUGHES TO JOHN MOORES. DIRECTORS AWAY To Spurs:- Messrs R. E. Searle & R. A. Joynson & J. Moores. To M/c Utd. Res:- Messrs J. C. Sharp, F. Micklesfield, C. E. Balmforth and J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Monday Aug. 29th @ 4.30 pm. Confirmed as correct John Moores Chairman