
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday Aug. 16th 1960]

			Present:- Mr. John Moores (Chairman) and
		all other Directors. Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of July 19th were read
		and confirmed.

FINANCE			Receipt reported were:-
		Season Ticket sales to date		19,989. 0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Wages					   673.17.7
		Cash Disbursements			   209. 3.1
		A. Bentham	Benefit			   148.14.9
		J. A. King	  do			   446.12.0
		S. Billington	  do			   360. 4.9
		R. Lavarick	  do			   141. 0.6
		Gatemens Float				    20. 0.0
			Bank Balance £28,415.2.7 Dr.

REPORT OF		The recommendation of the Finance Committee
FINANCE COMM.	was approved. (Copy annexed).

T. RING			It was reported that Ring had not
	49	attended for training today, and no reason for
		his absence had been received.

MATCH REPORTS		It was agreed that Match reports for the
		1st & 2nd teams only be distributed to the Directors
		for the time being.

MR. JARVIS		It was agreed to issue 2 Complimentary
		season tickets to Mr. Jarvis and to issue 12
		Complimentary tickets for the game v West Ham.
		to the English Schools F. A.

SUTHERLAND J.		It was agreed that we could not send a
		team to Crewe to play in a benefit match for this
		former player of the Club.

FRIEDRICH H. P.		It was reported that this agent had not
	9	refunded the balance of expenses, out of the £200.0.0.