
		Captain for next Season, and that R. Collins
		should deputise if Jones was absent from the team.

LEICESTER CITY		It was agreed to arrange for a 3.0 p.m.
		K. O. for the game v Leicester City if this would
		facilitate their travel arrangements.

F. A.			It was reported that the England v Wales
	95	under 23 match would be played at Goodison Park
		on Feb. 8th 1961.

T. JONES		It was reported that our pensioner T. Jones
		had died on July 9th.

GRAHAM HAL		A request for a donation towards the cost
		of buying a copy of the film of the European Cup
		Final for the Liverpool Schools F. A. was not acceded
		to and an offer that his Orchestra be engaged
		to play at 1st Team games was turned down.

BUSBY K. F.		It was agreed to offer 8 Arlescourt Rd.
	87.	for sale to Mr. Busby at £1,700.0.0.

F. L. MEETING		It was agreed that Mr. John Moores
	70.	should represent the Club at the League Meeting
		on Saturday next July 23rd.

COMPLIMENTARY		The Complimentary list for next season
LIST.		was approved.

TERRACE			It was agreed to fix risen to the wooden
(GOAL STAND)	terrace under the Goal Stand providing the timber did
		not cost over £200.0.0.

SHACKLETON, A.		It was reported that Shackleton had been
	52	given notice to quit and it was agreed that the
		house be sold.

ROBERTS v IRELAND	It was agreed that a letter be sent to
		the Caterers with a view to reducing the letter of
		the non-returnable wax cups they use.

BELLEFIELD		It was agreed to decorate the interior of
		the Pavilion when convenient and to ask Tysons
		to paint the exterior.