
		Lancashire F. A. and the Liverpool County F. A.

TRANSFER		The following were approved:-
OF SHARES	SHARES NOD. 1768 to 1773 from Exor Robert Watt to
		Guillermo Watt.
		SHARES NOD. 2440 & 1166 from Exors Thomas Nose
		Williams to William Robert Glenn.
		SHARES NOD. 1891 to 1905 from M. K. McDormell
		Mr. John Moores.
		SHARES NOD. 1921-1935 from P. B. Hibbert to
		Mr. John Moores.
		SHARE NO. 1269 from Thomas Muir to J. D. Newton.

REPORT OF		The recommendations of the Ground
GROUND COMM.	Committee were approved, with the exception of
		item No. 3 which was deferred. (Copy annexed)

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday July 19th at 5 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct.

						   John Moores
