95 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Friday June 24th 1960.] Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chairman) and all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of June 22nd were read and confirmed. CHAIRMAN On a proposition by Mr. E. Holland Hughes, seconded by Mr. Searle, Mr. John Moores was unanimously elected Chairman for the ensuing year. A tribute was paid to Mr. Micklesfield for the manner in which he had fulfilled his duties for the past year. Mr. Moores expressed his thanks and appreciation to his colleagues and hoped they would give their co-operation to him. VICE-CHAIRMAN On a proposition by Mr. Coffey, seconded by Mr. Searle it was resolved to abolish the position of Vice-Chairman for the next year. The following Sub-Committee were elected for the ensuing year. FINANCE C. Messrs E. Holland Hughes, N. W. Coffey & F. Micklesfield. MAINTENANCE C. Messrs R. E. Searle, R. A. Joynson & N. W. Coffey. GROUND C. Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth and 21. J. Taylor. ECONOMY C. Messrs J. Moores, R. E. Searle & E. Holland 81 Hughes. F. A. It was agreed to make the ground 12 available for the England v Scotland under 23 game on March 1st if selected. F. A. & L. C. F. A. It was agreed that Mr. Joynson should Mtgs. represent the Club at the Annual Meeting of