REPORT OF GROUND COMMITTEE 24th June 1960 The Committee consider that the composition and wages of the ground staff should be finalised. They make the following recommendations:- (1) A. Storey be appointed Head Groundsman at Goodison at a salary of £12 per week and that this should be increased to £13 per week after 12 months if it is considered he is carrying out the job in a satisfactory manner. (2) D. Rose be appointed Head Groundsman at Bellefield with use of the cottage at a salary of £9/15/- per week, to be increased to £10/5/- (the salary previously paid for the position) if at the end of 12 months it is considered he is performing his duties satisfactorily. (3) R. Foster and E. White be increased to £9/12/68 per week to bring this into line with the lowest {DEFER} paid unskilled member of the Maintenance staff. John Moores